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Social Media Gallery Example

We love to see the adventures our visitors have! If you have some great Mountain Biking Content, please tag your content with #visitgcb and #mtb and we’ll showcase your photos and videos!

Walking in a winter wonderland today! ☃️🎄❄️ #snowglobe
Bluebird skies and snow in the forecast! ❄️
Sometimes a waterproof shell isn’t necessary and a Hawaiian shirt and pair of chinos will do. Tester Ben Gardner gets inverted and puts the Weston Snowboards Range to the test during a wild after-hours hip session at Crested Butte Mountain Resort. [Photo] Nate Pearson bfgardner natepearson skicrestedbutte visitgcb #boardtestweek #untrackedexperience
American Basin Columbines.
9000 feet above sea level sure is fun. Enjoying a fun summer day in visitgcb 👌🏻
Trust me. I’m smiling. It’s just that my cheeks are frozen. __________________________ Maybe the last great wilderness for skiing in Colorado. Crested Butte is best known for its famously steep terrain. Highly controversial at the time, in 1992, they hosted the Lower 48’s first extreme skiing competition. A local ski patrol was quoted as saying, “Well, it’s not like we’re taking skiers out of there in body bags!” The public naturally grabbed onto this and had two now famous runs named after the the patroller: Dead Bob’s Chute and Body Bag. Because its mostly granite, the passing glaciers only glanced off of the mountain, cutting cliffs so sheer that the southwest side, even for Crested Butte, is too steep to ski. But massive volcanic activity still produced a North Face terrain opening up the most sought-after steeps in North America. Really pushing the limits of what ski areas were allowing guests to ski on. Including Rambo, the steepest-cut run in the United States. “The infamous spot where people look over and throw up in their mouth a little bit. Rambo is always something you look down and think, even if it’s open, that it’s not skiable. Be prepared for aggressive jump turns as you avoid getting tripped out.” In short, an epic mountain on an epic day. I’m fairly certain that February 23, 2022 at Crested Butte was solid evidence that God exists. #ski #powderday #steepanddeep #visitgcb
Looking forward to maybe actually having a little monsoon this year, the mtns sure do need it!
CB ➡️ Black Canyon ➡️ Paonia ➡️ Rifle Falls. Possibly the best anniversary camping trip we could have dreamed of. 🥰
I need to find a way to fit these Crested Butte sunsets in my suitcase. visitgcb
Another 6”+ overnight! This winter is shaping up nicely 👌❄️🏠
On day one of Board Test Week at Crested Butte Mountain Resort, first-year tester Alex Spectorsky warms up the legs on the K2 Split Bean. “Not much has changed in the design of the board this year,” noted another tester, who rode the Editors’ Choice-winning Split Bean last year, “but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still a contender.” A few inches of fresh snow overnight gave way to a sunny, spring day at Crested Butte, where testers kicked off a week of testing yesterday. [Photo] Drew Zieff drewzieff a_speckles skicrestedbutte visitgcb #boardtestweek #untrackedexperience
Fall was just trying to have a peaceful moment… 🍁and then Mr. Winter came along and said “Is it cool if I jump in here…?” Fall had no choice and let out a sigh “It’s all good man, we can share the spotlight…” 🥹 Finally creating something I’m proud of… often running around on commercial projects, it can be challenging to stop and snap a few for myself. Note to self: don’t get so consumed in your work that you forget to create for yourself. Have a fantastic week out there, I hope you got out to see some amazing fall colors over the weekend. Captured on sonyalpha A7RIVa x Sony 70-200mm G settings: 113mm F6.3 1/200 sec. at ISO100. #outtherecolorado #visitcolorado #fall2022 #leafpeeping #visitgcb #coloradotography
Hello from Gunnison Crested Butte! (visitgcb)Follow along as we show you what makes the Gunnison Valley such a unique and special place to visit during the winter! 🏔️🎿❄️🏂⛄️ Leave a 👋 below if you’ve visited us before + if not we hope we’re on your Colorado mountain town bucket list! 📸: sweetteastudios #visitgcb #crestedbuttecolorado #gunnisoncrestedbutte #coloradomountaintown #skitown
Drew Huemmler gets blinded by his work over the weekend at Board Test Week. After three days riding Crested Butte Mountain Resort, the test heads into the backcountry with Irwin Guides, around Monarch Mountain and at Lost Wonder Hut. Read more about it at [Photo] Drew Zieff drewzieff skicrestedbutte visitgcb #boardtestweek #untrackedexperience
Thank you for following along with us visitgcb this week! We hope to see you in our winter wonderland soon whether you’re skiing our steeps, exploring our winter trails or enjoying our cozy towns! 🏔♥️❄️ 📸: itsaberglund #visitgcb #crestedbutte #gunnisoncolorado #coloradomountaintown
Catching the first light on Peanut Lake, now I need to catch me some coffee 😴 visitgcb
Have you witnessed a Crested Butte dawn? ❄️
Kebler Pass, Colorado 🍂 #neature #visitcrestedbutte #fallorado #fallfoliage #chasingcolor #fallcolors #coloRADo #ig_shotz_trees #visitgcb #coloradogold #visitcolorado #goldrush #colorsoffall #beautifulcolorado #travelcrestedbutte #fallingforfall #dreamingoffall #keblerpass #itsfallyall #colorado_creative #autumnvibes #coloradotography #gameoftones #crestedbuttecolorado #colorado_travel #fallincolorado #crestedbutte #colorfulcolorado
Heading back to one of my favorite mountain towns today 🏔 what are your plans for the weekend?! . . . . . . #visitgcb #crestedbutte #burythebutte #skiing #coloradoskiing #travellifestyle #coloradolive #coloradolife #travelinspiration #mountaingirls #embracethewild #colorado_activities #coloradolove #coloradoliving #adventurelover #peoplewhoadventure #mountaintown #snow #stylefeed #denverblogger #roadtripusa #adventuremore #coloradoadventure #travelblogger #travelista #Simaytravels
Thinking a trip to crested butte should be mandatory every year! Not ready for the cliffs extreme skiers go crazy over but loving the cruisers and fresh snow pack. skicrestedbutte #skicb #crestedbutte #onlyincrestedbutte #visitgcb

Social Media Gallery Example

We love to see the adventures our visitors have! If you have some great Mountain Biking Content, please tag your content with #visitgcb and #mtb and we’ll showcase your photos and videos!